What are Complex Sentences?
Complex sentences consist of one independent clause and one or more dependent clauses.
Complex Sentence Examples
Some examples of complex sentences would be the following (note the italicized dependent clauses):
Elaina enjoys being class president even though she has to make hard decisions.
The movie did not live up to the comic book as we all expected.
Since you already heated the soup, I will just make a small salad.
When I get home from school, I have to walk my neighbor’s dog because she is on vacation.
Why You Should Use Complex Sentences in Your Writing
When you use complex sentences in your writing, you can provide more information and clarity for your readers, and you can modify or further explain the primary idea of your sentence.
With a complex sentence, you can also show the relationship between two different concepts. Because a complex sentence will have at least one dependent/subordinate clause, there will always be a primary statement with a secondary statement within that sentence. For example:
Although it stormed, we were still able to finish the game.
In this sentence, “We were still able to finish the game,” is the independent clause, or the primary statement being made, while, “although it stormed,” is the dependent/subordinate clause which is the secondary statement being made.
Finally, be sure not to confuse a complex sentence with a compound-complex sentence which combines the components of a compound sentence and a complex sentence.
Finally, complex sentences add a bit of…well, complexity to your writing! Using a variety of sentence structures will keep your readers engaged.
So when you’re writing, keep in mind, complex sentences contain both an independent clause and one or more dependent clauses.
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