What is a Noun Clause?
A noun clause is a type of dependent clause that functions as a noun and begins with a relative adverb or relative pronoun (that, what, when, where, which or who).
Examples of Noun Clauses
Some examples of noun clauses would be the following:
Avery knew that running against Micah for class president would be a lost cause.
Everyone was shocked by what was happening before our eyes.
Where the band’s next tour will stop has not been announced.
I will call to let you know when the party balloons will be ready for pick up.
We all decided which of the popsicle flavors was the best.
Why You Should Use Noun Clauses in Your Writing
When you use noun clauses in your writing, you can add detail and precision. Not to mention, you can vary your types of sentences which will keep your readers interested.
Notice how the noun clause in the following sentences provide more description and clarity:
I don’t know where those puppies went.
The noun clause “where those puppies went” finishes off the sentence “I don’t know” and functions as the direct object of the main clause (receiving the action of knowing).
What he said to his friend is still a secret.
The noun clause “What he said to his friend” functions as the subject of the main clause and completes the rest of the sentence “is still a secret.”
Be sure you have a solid understanding of independent clauses and dependent clauses as well, and when you’re ready, explore adverb clauses, adjective clauses, and elliptical clauses, too!
Download a Free Worksheet on Noun Clauses!
Click the image below to download your free worksheet on noun clauses!

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