What is a Pronoun? What is an Antecedent?
A personal pronoun is a word that takes the place of a defined person or thing. The antecedent is simply the defined person or thing to which the pronoun is being referred.
Examples of Pronouns and Antecedents
Some examples of personal pronouns and antecedents would be the following:
Peter was a strong man; he could lift hundreds of pounds with ease.
(Notice the personal pronoun “he” with its antecedent “Peter.”)
Baxter and Shante traveled to the city in the winter; they loved to see the holiday lights.
(Notice the personal pronoun “they” with its antecedents “Baxter” and “Shante.”)
My parents always take good care of me.
(Notice the personal pronoun “me.” In this case, the antecedent is the speaker of this sentence.)
Personal Pronouns and Antecedents in Context
GrammarFlip’s grammar-in-context videos provide an additional layer of instruction, learning, and relatability.
Our unique and memorable video footage helps solidify the understanding of challenging grammar concepts.
Watch this video to better understand personal pronouns and antecedents!
Why You Should Use Pronouns in Your Writing
Primarily, pronouns help reduce wordiness and repetition in your writing. Repeating the same noun over and over in your writing can be monotonous and leave your reader uninterested. Another widely-accepted use is of the pronoun “they” which can be used for singular individuals of neutral gender to avoid assumptions and to promote inclusivity.
Be sure you understand the differences among all pronoun types, for there are many to know! Start with demonstrative pronouns, possessive pronouns, and indefinite pronouns. Then work your way up to relative pronouns, reflexive pronouns, intensive pronouns, and interrogative pronouns when you’re ready for a challenge!
Download a Free Worksheet on Pronouns and Antecedents!
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