What are Prepositional Phrases Functioning as Adjectives?
When a prepositional phrase follows and describes a noun or pronoun, then the prepositional phrase is functioning as an adjective.
Examples of Prepositional Phrases Functioning as Adjectives
Some examples of prepositional phrases functioning as adjectives would be the following:
Amy showed me a picture of her new puppy. (“picture” = noun being described; “of” = preposition; “of her new puppy” = adjective phrase)
Have you read the Shakespeare play about a Scottish king? (“play” = noun being described; “about” = preposition; “about a Scottish king” = adjective phrase)
The tall girl from my English class is on the basketball team. (“girl” = noun being described; “from” = preposition; “from my English class” = adjective phrase)
My uncle with the lake house invited us on summer vacation. (“uncle” = noun being described; “with”= preposition; “with the lake house” = adjective phrase)
Why You Should Use Prepositional Phrases Functioning as Adjectives in Your Writing
Prepositional phrases that function as adjectives add detail and description to your writing. Because the entire phrase works together to describe a noun, by nature, the prepositional phrase will add more detail and description.
Notice the difference between these sets of sentences:
We saw the movie.
We saw the movie with the exciting explosions.
“With the exciting explosions” provides much more detail regarding which movie they saw – the one with the exciting explosions. Notice how that entire prepositional phrase – with the exciting explosions – works like an adjective to describe the noun “movie.”
They ate the ice cream.
They ate the ice cream with the confetti sprinkles.
“With the confetti sprinkles” provides much more detail regarding which ice cream they ate – the one with confetti sprinkles. Notice how that entire prepositional phrase – with the confetti sprinkles – works like an adjective to describe the noun “ice cream.”
Finally, be sure not confuse prepositional phrases that function as adjectives with prepositional phrases that function as adverbs.
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